How to Prepare Your Child for Primary School

Transitioning from nursery to primary school is an exciting yet challenging time for both parents and children. The shift from play-based learning to a more structured academic environment requires preparation, patience, and support. At Silverlily School, we’ve helped many children and families navigate this important milestone with ease, and we’re here to share our top tips for preparing your child for primary school.

1. Establish a Routine
One of the key aspects of primary school life is following a structured schedule. Begin by setting a routine at home that mirrors a typical school day. This can include a consistent wake-up time, designated study periods, and regular meal times. This helps your child understand the importance of time management and prepares them for the expectations of a formal school setting.

2. Encourage Independence
Primary school often requires children to be more independent, both in their learning and self-care. Encourage your child to take responsibility for tasks such as organizing their school bag, completing homework, and dressing themselves. Small responsibilities instill confidence and self-reliance, ensuring your child feels empowered in their new environment.

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